Tim King, BTh. Adv. Dip. App. Sci. Myotherapy

Timothy King is a Myotherapist of 20 plus years in Melbourne, Australia. Myotherapy is like a cross between physical therapy and myofascial release. Clinically he has a special interest in cervicogenic headache and TMD with much clinical success. He has provided well over 60 000 treatments with over 7000 patients. Today he provides training in very fast, efficient neuromyofascial techniques for physical therapists and soft tissue therapist of all varieties. The techniques that he and his colleagues have developed over the past few decades rely heavily on the latest science around fascia, pain science and movement and are MUCH faster than traditional myofascial release techniques. This has made these techniques very popular amongst body workers and a very accessible adjunct to professionals in the dental, myofunctional therapy and speech pathology world.

Financial Disclosure: Timothy King is a registered Myotherapist and owner of Allied Health Consulting Australia Ltd. He receives a speaker fee from TalkTools for this course.
Non-financial Disclosure: Timothy King has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.