Melanie Potock On-Demand CEU Policy and Process

Completing Melanie Potock On-Demand Course for CEUs AND Certificates of Completion


1. Click on link to CEU survey listed directly below the final course video (

2. On the course page, click on "Login to Enroll"

3. If you already have a learner profile on the TalkTools Training site (, you'll login under "Login" on the left. You may need to login again to the site to access the course completion page. (skip to step 5 below)

4. If you are new to TalkTools Training site, you will click on "Register an Account" (this will take less than 5 minutes).

a. Create a username and enter your email
(your username can be your email).

b. Check that email address' inbox

c. Open email from TalkTools Continuing Education Team and click on "set your password" link to create your unique, secure password

d. Enter in New password, then click on "Save Password"

e. Click on "Login"

f. Login pop-up window will appear. Login with the username/password you just created

g. Log back into the training site with the same username/password

5. You will now have access to the course completion components. Click on title to access quiz, CEU survey, and certificate.

6. Learners must complete ALL components of the course completion with a passing score in order to receive CEUs and Certificate.

7. Once you have completed and passed all components. Click on Download Certificate on the top right of the page -- YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCESS YOUR CERTIFICATE UNLESS YOU COMPLETE THE EXIT SURVEY AND PASS ALL TESTS

8. Once the certificate has been downloaded, your name and date of completion should populate on the certificate automatically. Please save and print for your records.


Contact TalkTools CE Team ( if you did NOT receive a confirmation email or have any questions regarding this process.


ASHA CEUs awarded for workshops are reported to ASHA no later than 30 days after the workshop date (see reporting scheduled below), which means that CEUs will NOT automatically be listed on the learner's registry upon course completion. Learners must allow for TalkTools filing schedule, as well as allowing time for ASHA to process CEUs before CEUs appear on learner's registry (the process will take at least 2 months or more).


Courses are not approved for partial credit. Participants must attend the course/activity in its entirety to receive continuing education units.



  1. TALKTOOLS COURSE COMPLETION AND CEU POLICY: Learners must read and understand TalkTools Course Completion and CEU Policy. This policy is compliant with ASHA Continuing Education Provider requirements. If TalkTools Learners do not adhere to this policy and the schedule outlined in the policy, TalkTools will not be held responsible for filing CEUs on behalf of the learner. (NOTE: ASHA will list CEUs on member registries 2-3 weeks AFTER TalkTools has filed Learner CEUs).
  2. CERTIFICATES: Download course Certificates of Completion AS SOON as course is completed. If there any changes needed on the certificate (i.e., your name), contact within 7 days of completing the course.
  3. FAQs: It is strongly encouraged that Learners read and understand all FAQs in order to: 1) understand and apply tech requirements, follow steps to access and complete courses, and comply with TalkTools training policies. RECOMMENDATION: bookmark the FAQs page for quick access and referral -- this is a much easier and more efficient way find answers vs. emailing the Continuing Education or Customer Care Team.