Taking your Client with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) from Non-Vocal to Verbal™ - Timed Agenda


Taking your client with ASD from Non-Vocal to Verbal: 



9:00am-12:00pm (15 min. break at 10:45am)

  • Why a Combined Applied Behavior Analysis & Speech Pathology Approach?
  • Identify Current Definitions of Autism, Applied Behavior Analysis and Oral Placement Therapy (OPT)
  • Definitions of Skinner’s Verbal Operants
  • Systematic Program Overview


12:00pm-12:30pm LUNCH

12:30pm – 4:00pm (15 min. break at 2:15pm)

  • Key Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis: Motivation, Reinforcement and the Discrete Trial
  • Developing Cooperation 
  • Manding: Importance and How to Teach
  • Using Transitive Motivating Operations to Maximize Manding
  • Motor Imitation: Importance and How to Teach
  • Question & Answer time



9:00am-12:00pm (15 min. break at 10:45am)

  • Oral Placement Therapy (OPT): Learn task analyzed techniques and specific behavioral techniques for implementing activities with clients who have had difficulty developing the motor plans to begin.  

12:00pm-12:30pm LUNCH

12:30pm – 4:00pm (15 min. break at 2:15pm)

  • Using a Visual Schedule: When and How
  • Teaching to Vocalize on Demand: Stimulus-Stimulus Pairing, Direct Reinforcement, Using Extinction, Rapid Motor Imitation.
  • Bridging the Gap between Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) and Speech: Putting it All    


  • Bridging Strategies from Tool to Tactile Cue to Visual Cues Through Echoic (imitation) and Manding (function) 
  • Transitioning from Isolated Speech Sounds to Functional Words: Practicing Multisyllabic Motor Plans
  • Question & answer