TIMED AGENDA: The Functional Remediation of TOTs (Tethered Oral Tissues)
9:00-9:30: Introduction
- About the speakers
- What is TOTS?
- Theoretical Foundations
- Brief review of assessment and functional impact of TOTs
9:30-10:00 Hot Topics
- TOTs team
- Scope of Practice
- Ethics
10:00: 10:30 TOTs Remediation
- Pre-feeding/Oral Motor
- Feeding
- Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
- Oral Placement Therapy
- Active Wound Management
10:30-10:45: Break
10:45-11:15: Frenectomy
- Scissor/Scalpel
- Laser
- Risks and Complications
- Aftercare comparisons
11:15-12:00 Neuromuscular Re-education for Pre-Feeding
- Buccal TOTs
- Labial TOTs
- Lingual TOTs
12:00-12:45: Lunch
12:45-1:30: Neuromuscular Re-education for Pre-feeding Cont.
1:30-2:45: Neuromuscular Re-education for Feeding
- Buccal TOTs
- Labial TOTs
- Lingual TOTs
2:45-3:00 Break
3:00-3:50 Neuromuscular Re-education for Speech
- Bilabials
- Alveolars
- Back Tongue Side Spread
- Velars
- Labiodentals
- Linguadentals
3:50-4:00 PM TOTs and The Terrible Twos
4:00-4:15 : Q and A