Supporting Pediatric Feeding Challenges in the 0-3 Population

SKU: 3841
heart icon 23
heart icon CEUs 0.15
Regular price $55.00
Supporting Pediatric Feeding Challenges in the 0-3 Population
Supporting Pediatric Feeding Challenges in the 0-3 Population

Supporting Pediatric Feeding Challenges in the 0-3 Population

SKU: 3841
heart icon 23
heart icon CEUs 0.15
Regular price $55.00
Icon Catherine Callahan, MS, CCC-SLP, CLC

This course seeks to provide therapists with a toolbox of strategies to support common feeding challenges that arise during complementary feeding. Therapists will learn the sequence of gross, fine motor, oral-motor, and sensory development from birth to 24 months, and how this developmental sequence influences the introduction of complementary foods. Therapists will be encouraged to consider the development of the whole child, use key assessment skills, and collaborate with other professionals to identify the root cause of a feeding challenge and provide individualized treatment.

Event Information

Course Description

This course seeks to provide therapists with a toolbox of strategies to support common feeding challenges that arise during complementary feeding. Therapists will learn the sequence of gross, fine motor, oral-motor, and sensory development from birth to 24 months, and how this developmental sequence influences the introduction of complementary foods. Therapists will be encouraged to consider the development of the whole child, use key assessment skills, and collaborate with other professionals to identify the root cause of a feeding challenge and provide individualized treatment.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will be able to: 

  1. Describe the sequence of gross and fine motor, oral-motor, and sensory development.

  2. Identify how this development relates to the introduction of food textures in complementary feeding.

  3. Identify assessment strategies to uncover the root cause of a feeding challenge.

  4. Summarize how to use this knowledge of development and the root cause to guide treatment.

  5. List specific feeding therapy techniques to support twelve common feeding challenges that arise frequently during complementary feeding.

E-Learning Details

Instructor Details and Financial Disclosure 


  • Online ONLY for 1 learner -- ACCESS TO ONLINE COURSE (downloadable handout, forms and charts)

Timed Agenda

  • 5 mins: Introduction

  • 15 mins: Oral-Sensory Motor Development

  • 10 mins: How development impacts the introduction of complementary foods

  • 15 mins: Assessment

  • 15 mins: Feeding challenges: presenting problem, root cause, treatment strategies

  • 15 mins: Case Studies

  • 15 mins: Wrap Up




Content Disclosure: This presentation will focus on treatment methods related to the use of TalkTools® resources. Other similar treatment approaches will receive limited or no coverage during this lecture.

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