Tongue Restrictions and The Airway

SKU: 00020EP
heart icon 66
heart icon CEUs 0.2
Regular price $70.00
Tongue Restrictions and The Airway

Tongue Restrictions and The Airway

SKU: 00020EP
heart icon 66
heart icon CEUs 0.2
Regular price $70.00

Dr. Marjan Jones, (Hons), BSc, IBCLC

Dan Hanson BDS, MBIBH

Speaker: Dr. Marjan Jones, (Hons), BSc, IBCLC

Speaker: Dan Hanson BDS, MBIBH

Course Description

The tongue truly is the ‘chief architect’ of the face and jaws, and is also intimately related to the autonomic nervous system. The respiratory function is similarly linked to the nervous system and has indirect systemic effects on biochemistry, particularly cellular oxygenation. This session will highlight the links and offer pathways for further learning.

Participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the links between the tongue, the airway, the nervous system, respiration and oxygenation
  2. Explain to parents how the tongue is not just important for infant feeding 
  3. Identify some symptoms of dysfunctional breathing in infants


20 min Overview

35 min Understanding the tongue’s whole body connection

25  min Case Study 1

20 min What to say to parents

20 min Looking at a Functional History Form

    Content Disclosure: This presentation will focus on treatment methods related to the use of TalkTools® resources. Other similar treatment approaches will receive limited or no coverage during this lecture.

    (pending AOTA approval)

    seeTalkTools ASHA CEU Policy and Process for more information)

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    Event Information

    Course Description

    The tongue truly is the ‘chief architect’ of the face and jaws, and is also intimately related to the autonomic nervous system. The respiratory function is similarly linked to the nervous system and has indirect systemic effects on biochemistry, particularly cellular oxygenation. This session will highlight the links and offer pathways for further learning.

    Learning Outcomes

    Participants will be able to:

    1. Describe the links between the tongue, the airway, the nervous system, respiration and oxygenation.
    2. Explain to parents how the tongue is not just important for infant feeding.
    3. Identify some symptoms of dysfunctional breathing in infants.

    E-Learning Details

    Instructor Details and Financial Disclosure 



    • 20 min Overview
    • 35 min Understanding the tongue’s whole body connection
    • 25  min Case Study 1
    • 20 min What to say to parents
    • 20 min Looking at a Functional History Form


    Content Disclosure: This presentation will focus on treatment methods related to the use of TalkTools® resources. Other similar treatment approaches will receive limited or no coverage during this lecture.

    TalkTools® Training Policies

    It is the learner's responsibility to review, understand and agree to TalkTools® Training Policies (CEUs, copyright/distribution, cancellation). 

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