The TOTs Team: Bodyworker's Role

SKU: 00019EP
heart icon 45
heart icon CEUs 0.15
Regular price $55.00
The TOTs Team: Bodyworker&

The TOTs Team: Bodyworker's Role

SKU: 00019EP
heart icon 45
heart icon CEUs 0.15
Regular price $55.00
Icon Tedra Erickson Stanley, DC IBCLC

Speaker: Tedra Erickson Stanley, DC IBCLC

Course Description

So much confusion around “Bodywork” in the care of patients with TOTS - what exactly is it? When is it needed, if ever? Who does it, and why? In this lecture, Dr. Tedra Erickson Stanley will discuss the various types of bodywork, the anatomical basis for hands-on treatment, the unique needs of TOTS patients, and the who /what/where and when of referring your patient for this mode of care. 

Learning Outcomes

Participants will be able to:

  1. Identify patient presentations which may warrant referral for bodywork
  2. Describe treatment modalities
  3. Identify resources for referral
  4. Describe how to start networking with Bodyworkers


10 min Overview

20 min Demystifying Bodywork

20 min How TOTS affects the body from different perspectives

15 min Videos and Case Studies

15 min Being a Resource for Families

10 min Building Your Referral Network

    Content Disclosure: This presentation will focus on treatment methods related to the use of TalkTools® resources. Other similar treatment approaches will receive limited or no coverage during this lecture.

    (pending AOTA approval)

    see TalkTools ASHA CEU Policy and Process for more information)

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    Event Information

    Course Description

    So much confusion around “Bodywork” in the care of patients with TOTS - what exactly is it? When is it needed, if ever? Who does it, and why? In this lecture, Dr. Tedra Erickson Stanley will discuss the various types of bodywork, the anatomical basis for hands-on treatment, the unique needs of TOTS patients, and the who /what/where and when of referring your patient for this mode of care.

    Learning Outcomes

    Participants will be able to:

    1. Identify patient presentations which may warrant referral for bodywork
    2. Describe treatment modalities
    3. Identify resources for referral
    4. Describe how to start networking with Bodyworkers

    E-Learning Details

    Instructor Details and Financial Disclosure 

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    • 10 min Overview
    • 20 min Demystifying Bodywork
    • 20 min How TOTS affects the body from different perspectives
    • 15 min Videos and Case Studies
    • 15 min Being a Resource for Families
    • 10 min Building Your Referral Network


    Content Disclosure: This presentation will focus on treatment methods related to the use of TalkTools® resources. Other similar treatment approaches will receive limited or no coverage during this lecture.

    TalkTools® Training Policies

    It is the learner's responsibility to review, understand and agree to TalkTools® Training Policies (CEUs, copyright/distribution, cancellation). 

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    Images copyrighted and published by TalkTools®. No copyright infringement intended with any other images displayed; similar content appears elsewhere on the internet