Croatia | Level 3 OPT™ Specialist Training

SKU: 0003-LVL
heart icon 9:00 AM
heart icon 1.2 CEUs
heart icon September 13-14, 2024
Croatia | Level 3 OPT™ Specialist Training

Croatia | Level 3 OPT™ Specialist Training

SKU: 0003-LVL
heart icon 9:00 AM
heart icon 1.2 CEUs
heart icon September 13-14, 2024

Friday, September 13, 2024 - Saturday, September 14, 2024

(9:00AM - 4:00PM)

Icon Croatia
Icon Monica Purdy, MA, CCC-SLP, COM® 

The Level 3™ Training Program is a multi-day, interactive workshop, limited to a small cohort of Level 2 learners. The cohort will work closely with the Instructor, who provides case studies and guides the candidates on critical thinking, evaluation strategies and OPT™ treatment plans.

Event Information

Course Description

Once you've completed your Level 1 and Level 2 coursework and have applied OPT™ techniques for at least 6 months, you qualify to APPLY for Level 3 Training. The Level 3™ Training Program is a multi-day workshop, limited to a small cohort of Level 2 OPT™ Therapists. The cohort will work closely with the Instructor, who provides case studies and leads the discussion on evaluation strategies and OPT™ treatment plans.

Learn more about our Levels OPT™ Specialist Training Program and how to apply HERE!

Workshop Details


  1. Levels Training application submission 
  2. Completion of Level 1 and Level 2 coursework 
  3. 1 year TOTAL of applied techniques in your practice (this includes 3 months applied techniques in Level 1 + 3 months applied techniques in Level 2 PLUS an additional 6 months of applied techniques) 
  4. Pre-acceptance Q&A session with Levels™ Instructor 

Upon completion of this Level, you are a recognized and qualified TalkTools® OPT™ Level 3 Therapist and are: 

  • A member of the TalkTools® Levels™ OPT™ Therapist Global Network 
  • Permitted to designate your OPT™ Level 3 status in communications, marketing and client outreach 
  • Entitled to receive special discounts on TalkTools® products and services
  • Qualified to receive 1-on-1 mentoring from the TalkTools® Teaching Team 
  • Eligible to apply to the TalkTools® Instructor Apprentice Program 
  • Primary contributor to the TalkTools® community for feedback on new products and courses and other beneficial topics

TalkTools® Training Policies

It is the learner's responsibility to review, understand and agree to TalkTools® Training Policies (CEUs, copyright/distribution, cancellation). 

Getting You Tech-Ready for Your TalkTools® Course 

Images copyrighted and published by TalkTools®. No copyright infringement intended with any other images displayed; similar content appears elsewhere on the internet

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