Be a “Tongue Tie Detective!": How to identify a tongue tie and its impact on functioning

SKU: 00018EP
heart icon 86
heart icon CEUs 0.10
Regular price $40.00
Be a “Tongue Tie Detective!": How to identify a tongue tie and its impact on functioning
Be a “Tongue Tie Detective!": How to identify a tongue tie and its impact on functioning

Be a “Tongue Tie Detective!": How to identify a tongue tie and its impact on functioning

SKU: 00018EP
heart icon 86
heart icon CEUs 0.10
Regular price $40.00
Icon Susie Appleman, MACCC-SLP, COM®

Speaker: Susie Appleman, MACCC-SLP, COM®

Course Description

So you think there’s a tongue what?  Become a “Tongue Tie Detective!”  This session will explore how to assess tongue ties based on function rather than appearance.  Outcomes include what to look for when identifying a tie; how to identify the 4 different types of ties; and how to explain results of the assessment to the client and/or parents.   

Learning Outcomes

Participants will be able to:

  1. Identify how to look for a tongue tie and the different types
  2. Describe how to explain results to client and/or parents
  3. Identify the next steps after determining that the tie is an issue.


15 min  What to look for when diagnosing a tongue tie

10 min  Explain that there are 4 different types of ties

15 min  Videos and Case Studies

10 min  How to explain results to a reluctant client and/or parent

10 min  The referral process and our role in continuation of care

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    Event Information

    Course Description

    So you think there’s a tongue what? Become a “Tongue Tie Detective!”  This session will explore how to assess tongue ties based on function rather than appearance.  Outcomes include what to look for when identifying a tie; how to identify the 4 different types of ties; and how to explain results of the assessment to the client and/or parents.

    Learning Outcomes

    Participants will be able to: 

    1. Identify how to look for a tongue tie and the different types.
    2. Describe how to explain results to client and/or parents.
    3. Identify the next steps after determining that the tie is an issue.

    E-Learning Details

    Instructor Details and Financial Disclosure 

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    Timed Agenda

    • 15 mins - What to look for when diagnosing a tongue tie
    • 10 mins - Explain that there are 4 different types of ties
    • 15 mins - Videos and Case Studies
    • 10 mins - How to explain results to a reluctant client and/or parent
    • 10 mins - The referral process and our role in continuation of care




    Content Disclosure: This presentation will focus on treatment methods related to the use of TalkTools® resources. Other similar treatment approaches will receive limited or no coverage during this lecture.

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    It is the learner's responsibility to review, understand and agree to TalkTools® Training Policies (CEUs, copyright/distribution, cancellation). 

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